Notizie e Progetti

APLF Ottobre 2022

Alanchim international

Alanchim 2020

Alanchim Export 2020

Alanchim Export 3.0

Alanchim Export 2.0

International Project

Project Impresa 4.0

The idea arises from the need felt by companies, especially SMEs, to want to become “Enterprise 4.0”, wanting to bring together in this definition companies that carry out research and development projects when they digitize the company to get to industria 4.0 (IMPRESA 4.0 = R&D + INDUSTRIA 4.0). All the companies involved in the project are making investments in plants and machinery suitable for industria 4.0.

Alanchim Verso Industria 4.0

Alanchim verso Industria 4.0 is a company reorganization project through changes in processes and procedures.


Export project

The investment program concerned the strengthening of its business presence in China and Guatemala, thanks to its participation in international fairs and the promotion of promotional activities.
